Chiptuning Reseller Wordpress Plugin

Download the latest version from our site.

Getting Started

Before using the Wordpress plugin, make sure you have the following set up (important!):

Plugin Dashboard

Within the Chiptuning Reseller plugin Dashboard you can find various setting for customisation an other advanced settings.

Plugin main functions

Option Description
Show prices on site Wether or not to show chiptuning prices on the tuning pages
Enable cache Enable caching for various items. Please mind: if you want to reload images from our system, please purge the cache!
Currency The currency to show the prices in
Specifications start url The main url the plugin should listen to. That means that for example, if customers enter, they will see the car selector
Display language The custom language your customers should see the plugin. Leave to automatic to let Wordpress handle it
Show tuningtypes If you want to show only certain tuning types on your site, select them here
Show vehicle types Show only (or all) vehicle types on your site
API Key The API key that you can generate (or get from us) in your ChiptuningReseller portal

Plugin Layout & Customisation

Here you can adjust various settings in the plugin's display and layout settings Screenshot

Option Description
Show dropdown selector There are two options: either you show a dropdown selection for each option, or you show nicely stylable breadcrumbs
Show theme sidebar? Sometimes it's better to show or hide the theme's sidebar. Adjust to your own liking
Currency The currency to show the prices in
Show basic table? Show the basic table for stage information, this is a normal table showing increase performance information
Show increase table? Show a fancy increasing counter table with performance gains
Show powergraph? Show the graphical bars display with animation with power increase
Show dynograph? Show a dyno-like graph with animation for power increase
Stage and graph dyno colors The colors of the graphics that are being displayed to your customers. Important: select an Alpha value (rgba)
Stage text Text to show on each stage page. You can add shortcodes here as well. It is also possible to change this using a custom template file


Price settings

It is possible to set fixed prices for different kinds of vehicles and different stages. If you have 'Show prices on site' enabled in the main functions screen, these prices will be shown. Fixed prices override the prices coming from our application.

Custom templates

Our advanced plugin allows you to create and customise the lay out of almost all pages that your customer sees. Read all about it here.
To edit your templates, just go to the ChiptuningReseller plugin and click the tab 'Template editor'.
Once you have opened a template file, you can see the default structure. You see that variables are being inserted by using special tags. These are Blade tags. Blade is a templating engine we use, this makes editing easy and offers fast caching. The available tags are:

Brands template

Tag Transforms into (will be auto translated if applicable)
{{ $lblSelectABrand }} Select a brand
@if(isset($data['brands'])) Check if brands are found, and then show the brand data in the loop
{{ $item['slug'] }} Slug (url-friendly) of an item in a loop
{!! $item['image'] !!} The image file, must be enclosed in {!! !!} to make sure html is processed!
{{ $item['name'] }} Name of an item in a loop
{{ $item['seriecount'] }} Count the number of series for a brand
{{ $item['seriecount'] }} Count the number of series for a brand

Builds template

Tag Transforms into (will be auto translated if applicable)
{{ $lblSelectABuild }} Select a build for
{{ $lblBrandName }} Name of the brand
{{ $lblSerieName }} Name of the serie
{{ $backUrl }} URL Back to the previous page
@foreach($dataBuilds as $buildItem) A loop that loops through all the builds
{{ $buildItem['slug'] }} Slug (url-friendly) of an item in a loop
{!! $buildItem['image'] !!} The image file, must be enclosed in {!! !!} to make sure html is processed!
{{ $buildItem['name'] }} Name of an item in a loop
{{ $buildItem['enginecount'] }} Count the number of engines for a build
@if($isRedirected) If there is just one build, the plugin redirects automatically to it

Engines template

Tag Transforms into (will be auto translated if applicable)
{{ $lblSelectAnEngine }} Select an engine for
{{ $lblSerieName }} Name of the serie
{{ $lblBuildName }} Name of the build
{{ $lblPowerShort }} HP
{{ $backUrl }} URL Back to the previous page
@foreach($dataEngines as $item) A loop that loops through all the builds
{{ $item['slug'] }} Slug (url-friendly) of an item in a loop
{{ $item['hp'] }} Engine power in HP
{{ $item['name'] }} Name of an item in a loop
{{ $item['fuel'] }} Fuel type of the engine

Stages template

This is an extensive template due to all the variables available. Very handy for people who know a bit of HTML. You can make wonderful pages.
The interesting part is that you can use partials inside your templates:

Tag Transforms into (will be auto translated if applicable)
{{ $lblPageTitle }} Chiptuning for
{{ $lblBrandName }} Name of the brand
{{ $lblSerieName }} Name of the serie
{{ $lblBuildName }} Name of the build
{{ $lblVehicleEngineName }} Name of the engine
{{ $lblPowerShort }} HP
{{ $lblFuelType }} Type of fuel (gasoline, diesel, hybrid etc)
{{ $lblVehicleType }} Type of vehicle in your local language
{{ $lblVehicleTypeInternal }} Type of vehicle for internal use (cars,bikesquad,jet-skis,tractors,trucks,boats)
{{ $backUrl }} URL Back to the previous page
{!! $dataImageGallery !!} This will insert an image gallery. Mind the {!! !!} tags for HTML processing!
@if(isset($dataStageMedia)) If there is stage specific media, it can be shown here in the loop
@includeIf('partials.basic-table-buttons') This is the table buttons partial
@includeIf('partials.basic-table') Show the basic table partial
@if($configShowIncreaserTable) If the increaser table is activated in your setup, you can include it here
{!! $dataShortcode !!} The extra stage content you can set in the layout and customisations page (including shortcode functionality)
@if($configShowBarChart) Show the bar chart if you have enabled it
@if($configShowLineChart) Show the linechart (dynograph) if you have enabled it

Extended data to show in your template

To be able to show even more details in your templates, you can use these extended variables. When integrating these you can for example show more engine details.

Engine details (only available on the stages and stage-partials pages)

Tag Transforms into (will be auto translated if applicable)
{{ $dataEngine['name'] }} Name of the engine (not the slug)
{{ $dataEngine['slug'] }} Slugged version of name
{{ $dataEngine['hp'] }} Engine HP
{{ $dataEngine['kw'] }} Engine KW (automatically calculated)
{{ $dataEngine['nm'] }} Engine Nm (not always available, put an if/else statement around it!)
{{ $dataEngine['fuel_type'] }} Engine fuel type (in English - gasoline, diesel, hybrid, unknown)

Stage details (only available on the stages and stage-partials pages)

The dataStages object is an array* with stages in it! Can only be used in a loop, for example:


@foreach($dataStages as $stageItem)
    Name: {{ $stageItem['display_name'] }}
    Price: {{ $stageItem['price'] }}

    @if(is_array($stageItem['data']) && $stageItem['show'])
        Power: {{ $lblPower }}
        HP original: {{ $stageItem['data']['hp_ori'] }}
        @if($stageItem['data']['hp_tuning'] > 0)
            HP Tuning: {{ $stageItem['data']['hp_tuning'] }}

Tag Transforms into (will be auto translated if applicable)
{{ $dataStages['name'] }} Slug name of the stage (use display name to show to customers)
{{ $dataStages['display_name'] }} A view-friendly name of the stage
{{ $dataEngine['price'] }} (Indication) price of the stage
{{ $dataEngine['show'] }} Wether to show or hide this stage (can be set in plugin settings)
{{ $dataEngine['data'] }} An array* with stage data or the value 'extra' if this is a special stage
{{ $dataEngine['text_information'] }} Text with extra information (mostly empty)
{{ $dataEngine['text_other'] }} Text with other information (mostly empty)
{{ $dataEngine['content'] }} Array* field with content, such as PDF files, videos etc
{{ $dataEngine['media'] }} If available, an array* with media will be included here
{{ $dataEngine['in_development'] }} If this stage is in development, this will be the value 1

* Please use the proper for-loops where neccessary in Arrays!

Inject shortcodes anywhere you want

With our plugin it is also possible to inject shortcodes on every template, using our helper functionality. For example:

{!! CTR_Helpers::shortcode('INSERT_ELEMENTOR', ['id' => 1234]) !!}

This example inserts the Elementor form, with the parameters 'id' and the value 1234. It is even possible to add the ChiptuningReseller variables here! For example:

{!! CTR_Helpers::shortcode('INSERT_ELEMENTOR', ['id' => 1234, 'brand' => $lblBrandName]) !!}

Advanced Template Functions

If you want to disable the custome themeplate, just remove it or rename the folder.

Create your own sections

Tag Description
@section('sidebar') Start a new section
@show Indicates where the content of section will be displayed
@yield('title') Show here the content of a section


Tag Note
{{$variable1}} show the value of the variable using htmlentities (avoid xss attacks)
@{{$variable1}} show the value of the content directly (not evaluated, useful for js)
{!!$variable1!!} show the value of the variable without htmlentities (no escaped)
{{ $name or 'Default' }} value or default
{{Class::StaticFunction($variable)}} call and show a function (the function should return a value)


Tag Note
@if (boolean) if logic-conditional
@elseif (boolean) else if logic-conditional
@else else logic
@endif end if logic
@unless(boolean) execute block of code is boolean is false


@for($variable;$condition;$increment) / @endfor

Generates a loop until the condition is meet and the variable is incremented for each loop

Tag Note Example
$variable is a variable that should be initialized. $i=0
$condition is the condition that must be true, otherwise the cycle will end. $i<10
$increment is how the variable is incremented in each loop. $i++


@for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) The current value is {{ $i }} @endfor


The current value is 0
The current value is 1
The current value is 2
The current value is 3
The current value is 4
The current value is 5
The current value is 6
The current value is 7
The current value is 8
The current value is 9

Chiptuning Reseller Backend Management

In the Chiptuning Reseller Backend Management system, you can manage all data that is being shown on your website. These functionality is only available to premium and higher customers (with an own database).

Manage Brands, Series, Builds and Engines

You can change everything in the CMS here, for example, adjust a brand's name or add a Serie. It is also possible to delete items here that you don't want to show in your webpage.

Manage Stages and bulk edit Prices

You can also change stages here. This is handy if you have different values for stages than the default values we use. To edit stages, please click Vehicle data > Stages.


Tag Description
1 Check or uncheck all items
2 Delete checked items
3 Show price update form for checked items

To update the stage prices click the last button (no. 3) and a popup will show where you can update the stage prices. Here, you can select wether to increase (+), decrease (-) or to set the prices to a value you enter here. After updating, this will be shown in your website also.

Change all prices for stages for build X

As an example, we want to update all prices for Audi A1 2010 8X versions. We enter the following data: Screenshot

Tag Description
1 The brand, which is Audi
2 The series, which is A1
3 The build / model which is 2010 in this case, you can leave 8X behind in this case
4 Then make sure you show at least 50 rows to edit all of them
5 Then check all items
6 And then click the bulk edit button

Screenshot The price editor will show up and you can then set the price. You can either Increase, Decrease or fixed Set the prices. You can use the selector (A) to set this and then enter the value in the field (B) next to it. Click 'Upgrade' (C) to set the prices.

WP Rocket

IMPORTANT: If you are using a caching plugin on your site (especially WP Rocket) you must exclude the start url from WP Rocket's caching.

  • 1. In WP Rocket settings
  • 2. Go to WP Rocket Advanced Rules tab.
  • 3. Locate the box Never cache (URLs).
  • 4. Enter the URL of the path you wish to exclude. You can either enter the full URL e.g. or you can just enter the part after the domain name, e.g. /chip-tuning/* . Either way will work.
  • For multiple pages, enter each one on its own line